2 January 1915

Peirs_Le_1916-01-02_01 Peirs_Le_1916-01-02_02
Peirs_Le_1916-01-02_03 Peirs_Le_1916-01-02_04


8th Queens
B. E. F.
[2 Jan 16 not] 2. 12. 1915
(7 Jan)

My dear Mother,

Many thanks for a copy of the Autocar & to Cecily for two papers the L. O. & P. S. all of which arrived to-day. Yesterday & to-day have been v. quiet & I have been indoors most of the time as it has rained persistently. We had a concert on last night in the local cinema & managed to raise one or two respectable performers, though most of them were pretty rotten.

We have now heard that we are to move in the middle of this week & shall be on the way up when you get this. We go by train to start with & then move a little way & sleep & on the next day. We don’t go into the front line at once, but should be there say within 10 days from now. We have spent some time this afternoon trying to get a gramophone to work but owing to the owner having gone on leave & taken the precaution to take the winding key with him, he has baffled us for the present.

I had a letter from Colins to-day written on Xmas day after he had just come out of the trenches. He tells me that Murf is at Palermo in the A. S. C.

Lucky beggar with the prospect of a pleasant spring time on the Riviera with the Sicilian equivalent.

Love to all




The battalion was diary is relatively mum on what Peirs and his men were doing on from 1-5 of January 1916. After a month out of the lines, in training and for a few days enjoying Christmas, the men continued their training in the cold and rain. Later in the week, on the 5th, they will depart for the front lines arriving at Poperinge by train and marching forward to a reserve position near the lines.

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