Tag Archives: leisure activities

7 August 1918


Peirs_Le_1918-08-07_01 Peirs_Le_1918-08-07_02 Peirs_Le_1918-08-07_03


7. 8. 18.
(rec’ 15. 8. 18.)

 (send out to Glad. to read & return)

My dear Father,

I suppose or hope if you have been able to get a seat in a train, that you are now at Lelant, and trust that you are getting a decent holiday. I find that I can use the telescope, you told me of, and if you will send it out you will have done a bit more to assist in strafing the Bosch.  The Battalion is in the line, but I am out for a few days back in the Transport Lines, but will be going back in a day or two.  There is plenty to do back here looking after the odds & ends we leave out of the line, drums transport & a number of men for


training in various duties. There are a number of shows, sports & competitions on as well and at the moment the war here seems very far away and quite a secondary matter.  They say the Bosch is very quiet up in front & from what one hears of what is going on round Soissons, I don’t wonder. Somebody has discovered that most Battalions have acquired in the time they have been out here a limber or two more than they ought to have & I have shortly to sign a certificate to say that I have nothing more than I ought.  Without committing perjury I shall find this a little difficult, but if they insist


on this ridiculous suggestion, perjured I shall be, but they don’t get my extra transport. However I may be able to evolve some other method of getting round the authorities.  I find that Regular Officers have no qualms in such cases, but I take it more hardly.

I have no news

