100 Days Campaign

100 Days Campaign (18 July – 11 November 1918)

What is Jack Doing?

Just prior the start of the 100 Days, Major Peirs was appointed Acting Lieutenant-Colonel.  He and his battalion were in and out of the trenches in a mining area in Northern France, northwest of Lens.  They spent most of July and all of August 1918 either in Divisional reserve in Les Brebis (“The Sheep” an appropriately named miners village near Bully-les-Mines) or in trenches in the MAROC Sector on the outskirts of Lens.  While in the trenches battalion HQ was located in a large crater or the remains of a quarry.  The were not engaged in the notable early battles of the 100 Days and Amiens and along the Somme, but they did continue to face shelling and gas.


Letters 18 July – 11 November 1918