8th Queens
B. E. F.
9.1. 1916.
My dear Father,
Very many thanks for your long letter of the 4th enclosing the Application From which I have signed & return.
I was very interested to hear about the consumption test on the pram. I take it that it will work out about 32 m. p. g. which I suppose is fair tho’ I think she ought to do better.
Those Zenith Carburettors are very sound but you can’t play tricks with them to adjust them & I daresay she would do more with a different make. I shall require a commission from Wardill if everyone gets one. they will all probably try for something with 4 Cylinders, which are all right for a man, but rather difficult for a girl to start. I have met several on the road quite helpless because they couldn’t turn the handle.
I have heard from the S. Antonio people on the subject of earthquakes & labour & am still in two minds about taking up more shares.
They have got S. F. Edger on the board, which may be a good thing as he may be able to get the capital, but from what I have read & heard of him, he is an obstinate blighter & will probably cause trouble in the end. However we are not very deeply involved anyway.
With regard to North, the only people I have heard of their taking for ammunition work are those skilled in certain trades the names of which I have never heard before. We sent some to be tested last month but none were taken from this battalion, tho’ the W. Kents had some taken. I should recommend that she applies to the Munitions board, stating exactly what the boy’s trade is (engineering is too broad) & if she gets a letter from his former employer certifying his efficiency, I should not be surprised if they send for him, provided that his is a trade in which they are short of men & that there are no testers near his Battn. If he can be tested out here no doubt he will be.
I have written another letter to-day home.