July 1917


Peirs_Le_1917-07_01 Peirs_Le_1917-07_02


(July 1917)

My dear Father,

I have several letters of yours to acknowledge, which I was very glad to get. I enclose cheque for 65 /- for the car premium. I have to-day paid the Comm. Union £3. 0. 10 for my policy 20362 in the Hand in Hand. This is the premium 3. 1. 11 less the usual 1/1 commission. I shall be greatly obliged if you will inquire if they get it, as the thing expires on the 5th. prox & I anticipate being fairly busy as Tringham is probably off on leave in a few days.

We are about to go back into the line & I am going up to have a look round to-night. I happen to know the district fairly well which makes things easier We are in bivouacs at the moment but have a farm to mess in & the men are comfortable, as the weather is dry. We ran across some men of one of our other battalions whom we have not met before though we have met all the others


including the 13th labour Battn. at one time or another.




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