9. 10. 16.
My dear Mother,
I have another letter from Cecily to acknowledge, also ones from G & W. Another very peaceful day from our point of view, though we have been strafing all day with every sort of trench engine. I was awoke at 4.45 this morning by Master Brooks with the horrible news that the Bosch was in our lines, or rather in a crater outside which we hold, so I hastened up expecting to find the trench full of Bosches. However by the time I got up, I found that he had been ejected – however he had taken 2 of our lambs with him as souvenirs, & these I think were all he came for, as he didn’t make
any attempt to hold the place.
We bagged & brought in one of his officers & are certain of getting one of his party & possibly more, so I don’t know that he got much the best of it, though I regret the loss of our 2 lambs. There are a lot of these kind of shows up & down the line now, mostly on our part & I daresay we shall have to do another before long. I was v. glad we got the officer, as he was a very good card to play when the G. O. C. came round, as if we had got nothing
he might have been a bit nasty but as it was, butter wouldn’t have melted in his mouth The staff get quite indignant if our posts get rushed & equally so, if we don’t rush the Bosch’s when required – however I suppose they are paid to be so. We go back to the support line to-morrow which is stuck away in an arid waste miles from the nearest village & quite untroubled by the Bosch. So I don’t know what we shall do
with ourselves though there will be no difficulty in finding work for the men.
I enclose a drawing which may convey something to someone. I have not seen the subject but had it described more or less accurately & am not giving away secrets as the Bosch has seen it.
Love to all