Tag Archives: animals

8 July 1917


unspecified unspecified-1 unspecified-2 unspecified-3 unspecified-4



8. 7. 17.

My dear Mother,

I have neglected to write, I fear, for a few days, but I have had rather a lot to do as the C. O. is in England for a few days on a special job, & returns at the end of the week. The Brigade had a transport show here on Saturday (I believe to-day is Monday but am never quite sure of the days of the week) which was quite good fun. It was a lovely day & quite one to spend watching other people & animals exert themselves. As a Battalion we got quite a number of prizes – more than anyone I fancy. The best event was a mule race with 5 jumps


& it was very surprising how well some of the mules could go. They provided lots of amusement too –one heat broke off in the middle in a body & tried to go back to their lines & it was quite a rare event if any of them kept to the track the whole way round. Needless to say we won that race, as it was on our own ground & our own men were everywhere to keep our mules to the strait & narrow way. Yesterday we had a long afternoon of our


own Battalion sports which were quite a success & produced a number of really good runners whom no one knew of.

We have got our Drums going again. We lost them at Loos & never troubled to start them ^since but they blossomed out yesterday. They are not as bad as they might be & will no doubt improve. I hope this air raid came nowhere near any of you. They have got snuff for it anyhow, but I fear it won’t stop yet though they may avoid London for a bit. I was very interested to hear that G. had seen


the Japs. I suppose they were not Chinese, as there are a number of them out here I believe working behind the lines somewhere. I can’t help thinking the Bosch is getting a little frightened as to his ultimate end & there seems to be that impression everywhere. Nothing tangible but there seems to be every sign that he now knows he is fighting a losing cause & though we have known it some time I doubt if he has. They are talking of making us walk a matter of 50000


miles to go by the sea & back but I resisted stoutly yesterday & hope we shall not have to do it. We should only have 24 hours there anyhow & it hardly seems worth while.

Our Doctor has been sent off temporarily & we have a new man who seems quite a good chap.

Love to all


P. S. Many thanks for letters & books. I now have 3 books unread, so please stay your generous hands. I have written a similar letter to Cecily.

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