My dear Glad,
Thanks for several letters from you and one from Mother to-day. I greatly admire the photographs of Jane & had no idea that I had such a ponderous godchild. I also duly admired the yellow tuft.
I don’t know that there is any news. We are still far from the battle & beginning to get some training done. It is very pleasant out here if a trifle dull, but one can’t have everything. I had a day’s jaunt yesterday, as I had to go on a Court Martial 30 miles away & had a very good run in a car both ways. I saw lots of preparations being made for George, so I suppose he is having a look round. Anyhow they evidently intend to do him well as the red baire & exotic flowers were much in evidence. I daresay we shall see something of him as we are near at hand (that is the Division is & with nothing particular to do
so he may review us in his spare moments. There is a suggestion that we shall do a tour by easy stages to the sea & have a day or two there if the weather keeps fine & I think the men would like it. I had a chance to do a little shopping too yesterday which I rather needed, as we are so far in the wilds here that we are out of touch with all civilization. I have not heard what presents Odd got except that they were numerous & costly & I should be very interested to hear, if someone would mind giving me an idea of what they were. Many thanks for books & papers.
Love to all