8/ Queens.
17. 7. 18.
My dear Olive,
Many thanks for yours & also for letters from Father Mother & Cecily. I have been very busy the last few days & though we are out of the line, the weather has been beautiful & I have taken the Battalion out all & every day to get them away from their billets, which are extremely uninteresting, to some lovely country about 4 miles off, where we do a little battlefighting
& sleep a lot. The men or rather boys seem to enjoy themselves out there & we got them some cricket & various odds & ends of games. Ronald Brookes has joined up & is becoming the image of Jo. I expect the latter to come over some time, as he is not very far off as birdmen go, but he appears to have a dud machine or something so may not fly over. It is very pleasing to hear that the Bosch has attacked
somewhere other than here. Perhaps he will be so occupied there that he won’t be able to do anything anywhere else, & we shall be able to enjoy the summer in peace.
Love to all