Monthly Archives: January 2019

14 January 1919- My dear Father

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                                                                                                                              Towan                                                                                                                       Newquay                                                                                                                         14. 1. 19.

My dear Father,
I was much interested in the
Herald & see you have defeated Lovelock
at all points.  You may be interested in
my views as to the proposed memorial,
to help you come to a decision, but
I should prefer not to come into the
controversy at all and you can make
use of them or not as you like.
1. Carshalton is not the only place in
difficulties as to a memorial.  There is
a fellow writing in the Spectator this
week for suggestions for a memorial
for Windermere.
2.  Is the memorial intended to meet
with the wishes of those it commemorates.
If so, though you cannot ask
them, you can get the opinions of the


men who were in very similar
circumstances, from discharged sailors
& soldiers or men of a Battalion in
3.   It seems to me as yet too early
to come to a decision, & you ought to
wait till the men now serving
have a say.
4.  What is to my mind required in
the future in every village is a
club for all men who have
served the country in an active
capacity in the war.  There is no
question that such a system would
retain the Espirit de Corps of the
nation ^ army & be of infinite benefit
to the nation in a number of
ways.  I see signs of this idea
taking root & it might be that
some general scheme would be
arranged by a Governmental Body.


5. The hospital scheme is no doubt required
but it is for the benefit of the
individual, whereas the club scheme will
benefit so many directly, many more
indirectly that it may be said to be
for the general benefit.
In fine — my own view is that you
should accept suggestions & do no
more as yet.
It is a filthy day & no golf
is possible.