Monthly Archives: May 2017

23 May 1917


Peirs_Le_1917-05-23_01 Peirs_Le_1917-05-23_02


23. 5. 17.

My dear Father,

Very many thanks for the box of cigars you sent, which reached me yesterday. I also got a card from Odd from Dorking to-day.

We are still nominally in reserve & expect to go back to the trenches the day after to-morrow. Actually I was up there all last night, as things were very active & 2 of our Companies were sent up to support. I fancy the Bosch intended to attack, but he got so many guns on him that his attack never materialised, though he made two attempts. Our particular piece seems to be very unhealthy especially as the people on either side get nothing. It was rather interesting last night, as we were


just out of it all & could watch the whole proceedings. These little shows are really a good deal worse than the bigger ones, as they get the artillery concentrated on them & if you don’t happen to be in the middle, they are a very fine sight & even if you are in them it is extraordinary how few casualties are caused. I don’ t know that there is any particular news.

Love to Odd



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