The enclosed has reached me. Will you do the necessary with it? I assume you got my cheque for car insurance. I now enclose £3.3.0 for the license, for which I am obliged to you for paying. We are back in reserve and having a placid time getting cleaned up & doing a little drill so that we shan’t forget what little we ever knew.
We are being swamped with a number of new 2nd Loots. They are men who were sent home earlier in the year to take commissions from the ranks & it remains to be seen how they pan out. Someone has just sadly remarked that they are not even as respectable as solicitors. We have had some like them before but never in such quantities, & they will want watching. The Divisional
band has just arrived & is discoursing sweet music at the other end of the field. They are rather good & are trying with honeyed words to secure one of our signalers, who happens to be a performer of sorts, but I have resisted up to now. The Bandmaster will however get over me in time as he is a southern Irishman & full of blarney.
Wonder of wonders our archies have brought down 2 bosches in full view in the last 2 days & they don’t know themselves. The Bosch is very active in the air at nights & is dropping bombs from 9-11 every night & again about 2–3. We know when he is coming, but he does very little damage, though we are jolly careful about lights. They caught him in the searchlights last night & he showed up well. Love to the family