Monthly Archives: June 2016

1 June 1916

Peirs_Le_1916-06-01_01 Peirs_Le_1916-05-31_02


8th Queens


                                                     1. 6. 1916.

My dear Mother,

Many thanks for letters to-day from you, Cecily, Gladys & a letter card from Father.  I will let him know what the records are like when I hear them.  Meanwhile many thanks for ordering them.  I enclose a cheque for [illegible] £5.  Will someone please administer it for me & continue to pay for things & postages out of it & also pay what I owe already.

A glorious First of June & fairly quiet except that we set to work on the Bosch opposite with big guns & must have livened him up pretty considerably.  An excitement is on at the moment, as somebody’s balloon is adrift & it is being strafed by both sides, impartially.  The wind is more or less up & down the line so


I can’t say where it came from, but I fancy the Bosch is going to get it.  The shooting at it is paralytic, but none the less unpleasant for the bloke in the basket – if there is one.  I am sorry to hear that Alan is hit.  I hope not seriously.  I forget what Battalion he was in.  The guns have been very busy away down the line to-day, but whether they were our guns or the Bosches or where they were firing I don’t know.  I t seemed very intense while it lasted & someone has apparently got a new sort of gun which fires much quicker than most.  Let’s hope it is ours.

Love to all


The lambs have arrived safely. Thanks.
