8th Queens
B. E. F.
16. 9. 1916.
(rec’ 23 – 9 – 16)
My dear Mother,
Thanks for yours & for one from Cecily to-day. I am glad you like the place. I fear the prospects of leave are not so rosy to-day as I can’t help thinking we shall move out of this garden of Eden before my turn arrives & I don’t know where we shall be going to. They are pushing ahead up on the Somme & I don’t know whether they will want us back or not & if so, when & of course the more they push – the more they are likely to want troops. However we have had a very good time here & the rest has done the men a lot of good. To-day we were playing a lot of football – six aside – which amuses them. To-morrow I shall give them a day off, though as a matter of fact they have done very little work at all here though the staff insists on their doing any amount & so they do – on paper, but we have the sense not to carry it out.
My migraines are much better & I now sympathize with others who have the complaint & there is still some of it about. I fancy we caught it off the Bosch, as it was quite unheard of till we began to live in his dug-outs. I have just spent a happy hour in concocting a gentle reply to one of the Division who has shewn himself an ass & has delivered himself into my hands. However I fear he is too thick-headed to realise the depth of my sarcasm. I did it once before long long ago & they had to invoke the aid of the G. O. C. to get level, but this time I am much subtler.
Love to all