3. 10. 18.
My dear Father,
Thanks for a letter from you and for another from Mother Cecily. I fear you will have a chilly time on the moors if this weather goes on. Still the house should be warm enough with the pigs on the ground floor. I am glad Fellowes looked you up. He will be back in a few days and I shall want him badly, as Rowland is in England at Aldershot & I have just lost another officer at Hqrs. I am trying to get Gery Clayton out, but don’t know if he can manage it.
I hear they have got Lens, and hope they enjoy it. I am quite sure the Bosch has left nothing in the way of shelter behind & it will be an
uncomfortable business following him up. I believe it is the same near Cambrai & even Divisional Hqrs have to be out in a field, so what Battalions will do, I don’t know.
I saw one of the Brighton Tank Engines to-day hunting a troop train up a hill – probably one that had often taken me to town in the 9-25, but now employed on another service. The 24 hours time looks ridiculous at present but I suppose we shall get used to it.
Love to the Ashers