Tag Archives: Grove

30 December 1918- My dear Mother

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My dear Mother,
Many thanks for your letter, and a book.  I am looking forward to seeing you again shortly.  The Xmas festivities — what there were of them — have passed off satisfactorily & I think the men had (blow the pen) as good a time as circumstances
permitted.  I got a concert going for the evening, & as we had got some extra rations & a fair amount of beer they did not do so badly.  One of the Companies is now very busy on a production of Chu Chin Chow,
which should at least be amusing & promises to be quite good.  The paper has just arrived & I see you have established Cato satisfactorily.  I fancy the Grove will be more unforgiving than before, though I doubt if Samuel really thought he would get in.  He pulled more than I expected.
They have got a very good pantomime in Lille including Leslie Hanson & several first class London people.  I hope to get over there in a night or two, but it is 10 miles off & the drive


back at night is not pleasant.  I was over there the other day & had a look round
the place.  It seemed very normal, but
shabby, as they have done no painting for
the last 4 years.  There are some fine
buildings there.  I believe the Bosch has taken the fittings from every factory in the place, so the French will have difficulty in starting their industries again.  At times the water supply ceases & they won’t then give you enough water to shave, so the place has its discomforts.
Love to all