Monthly Archives: June 2016

14 June 1916

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8th Queens

B. E. F.

14. 6. 1916.

My dear Family,

Many thanks to you all for letters from G. & O. a paper from Odd & a bottle of teetotal drink from G. & W.  I will see if I can get back before the 16th prox, but I can’t say for certain, as though I shall be due for leave before then, I may not get it “to wance” as leave is rather short at the moment.  However I will do my best.  There is no news.  Things are very quiet except the usual mutual artillery strafe which continues at decent intervals & never during meal times.  I have just heard that as the French are to start daylight saving we are to do the same, & I must put my watch on an hour to-night.  so I shall lose


an hours beauty sleep to-morrow morning.

I hear Newton Binney is somewhere in this district, so I may see him some time shortly.

Love to all

