8th Queens
B. E. F.
16. 1. 1916
My dear Father,
Many thanks for yours of the 13th & for the cigars, which look to be in good condition & if they smoke as well as the last will be A1.
have you taken out the Driving License 10/- or the owners license (which in this case is £3.3.0) I didn’t take out the owners license last year as you did it for me, but I have paid for it this year though it has not arrived yet
I have just heard from Katie Paull. she has got a small Peugeot like the thing the Hollingsworths in Strawberry Lane have. They go like anything but I think the pram is probably more suitable for our requirements. I have heard from Cousin Alice that the girls & Decie looked so pretty at the wedding & commenting on the fact that none of the elders were there & she puts it down to the discomfort of travelling in winter so any pleas of yours or anyone else’s of overwork have not washed. I am v. sorry for you that Cox is going but I hope Miss Jarred will carry on all right.