Tag Archives: Ypres

9 June 1916

Peirs_Le_1916-06-09_01 Peirs_Le_1916-06-09_02


8th Queens

B. E. F.

9. 6. 1916.

My dear Father,

This letter should reach you on or about your birthday, so I wish you very many happy returns, & may your next one be spent under more peaceful conditions.  There is no news & I have nothing to acknowledge to-day as the English post has failed.  However I have heard from Cox & Co that they have sent you a cheque for the cost of the typewriter & I hope you have got it by now & that it is all right.  The machine has also arrived & is very good & should suit its work admirably.  I don’t think it is difficult to manage either.  I spent the morning on a Court Martial & this afternoon watching an A. A. gun pooping off at a Bosch plane a long way off & making very good shooting too.


It is very sad about Kitchener & no one here would believe it, till confirmed 12 hours after we got the first rumour.  However he had done the greater part of his job.  I suppose you saw Loraine Pears’ name in the list the other day – C. M. G.

Things are very quiet here, though there are noises up Ypres way where they are still strafing.  I shouldn’t be surprised if the Hun gets Wipers & I should be jolly glad if he did, if we’ve got to go up that way again, as it is a barren land.  I see the Daily Mail talks about the 3rd battle of Wipers but to my mind its all running rot & the Hun has only pressed on his original advantage.  I don’t see where he is to get the men for a big strafe.  Yrs. Jack.
