22 July 1917


unspecified unspecified-1


(22 7 17)
22. 7. 17.
My dear Cecily,

Many thanks for your letters & best congratulations on your new job which I hope you will like. The boodle sounds attractive anyhow, though folk dancing sounds rather unpromising. I seem to remember hearing of them when I was up at New Coll. though rather in the way of jest than anything else. However things have probably altered by now & the jests were directed rather at the performers who were fat and elderly dons than at anyone else.

Another letter has just come from you for which I am also obliged. Alas 6 months now has to elapse before leave comes again & I’ve only just done 4. I fear that once again shall I miss summer at home. However the weather here is very pleasant & is considerably enlivened by the war which persists in spite of all protests.

As a matter of fact we are not in the war at the moment but resting fairly close behind. I assume that we shall be going back into the line soon, as no rest is



We are in camp with another battalion & had some impromptu sports & boxing with them yesterday which served to pass the time. We also had a concert in the evening but that was rather a dismal affair & no talent was forthcoming. I think the pianist was too much for them & he really was dreadful. We have had a new major man sent us to-day from home. He seems a good chap but being rather senior I expect he will be sent off somewhere before long.


from Jack

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