6 March 1916

Peirs_Le_1916-03-06_01 Peirs_Le_1916-03-06_02


8th Queens
B. E. F.
6. 3. 1916.
(10. 3. 16.)

My dear Family,

Very many thanks for various parcels & papers yesterday. A cake & other things from G. & W. a cake from Mother & John Bull from Cecily.

I am still where I was & had an idle day as most of the Battn. was out on a working party last night, so they are allowed to rest by day afterwards. I had a little jaunt this afternoon with the C. O. in a car to see an exhibition of trench mortars firing blank. I think it was chiefly designed to amuse the staff, who were there in large numbers, but we get much better displays in the trenches. There was a new gun there which struck me as being very useful – in fact it fires so fast that you can get 5 rounds in the air with it at once & another French gun, which is very portable & should be very useful. There has been a good deal of snow again with a North wind & is decidedly chilly in consequence.

I had a bath this morning, the first for a long time & feel quite respectable in consequence.

I am afraid you have all had to cry off the pram owing to Petrol scarcity, which is a pity, but I suppose there is nothing else to do. Perhaps they will devise some means of letting one get some occasionally – & I see from the Autocar that there is some such scheme at foot.

7. 3. 16

More snow to-day & I don’t think we shall do anything. They say we are back for another eight days.

Love to all



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